If the mere thought of renting a porno feels smutty, then it's definitely time to pick one up. From the spine-tingling moment you venture into the adult section of the video store to the second you surprise your guy with a skin flick and wait breathlessly for his randy response, taking the plunge into porn will add fiery fervor to your real-life bump and grinds. Like catching an eyeful of your randy neighbors mid-nooky, observing overheated couples and their this-close thrusting onscreen feels totally taboo.
For Christine*, 26, just knowing her boyfriend was getting off on her watching made her quiver. "The first time we rented a porno, I was immediately engrossed," she recalls. "But then I realized Dave couldn't take his eyes off me. Keeping my eyes glued to the screen while Dave watched my reactions made me feel naughty. Soon after, we were having sex so hot that the porn looked tame in comparison."
If you're less than bold about shopping for a sex flick, drive to a store in another neighborhood, shop online or go to a place that stocks X-rated movies on the shelves, rather than behind the counter where you have to request them.
*Names have been changed
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