In the last five years many sex products have reached the market, some stars and some duds. All of them being poked, prodded and rated by Sexologists Dr. Petra Zebroff and Dr. Kathleen Van Kirk.
They have chosen the favorite new toys, DVDs, and books to award with special praise and honor. Either personally or professionally, they have come to be very fond of these special toys and believe in their value to you as well.
And the award goes to…
Ultimate Guide to Anal Sex for womenTristan Taormino does it again with this hot AND insightful educational DVD. It’s a four-hour balance of titillating anal sex scenes and explanation. Tristan is the ultimate host who masterfully interplays the joys of watching an erotic anal scene with the nuts and bolts of anal exploration. Tips galore along with plenty of sex toy use in this wonderful anal romp.
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