"Don't Touch Me"
Here is a major difference between a Hot Wife and a cuckolding wife: Often, I read of husbands fucking their wives before they head out on a "date." Cuckolds hardly ever get to touch their wives before a "date," unless it is to clean her, dress her or apply her makeup! And, of course, this makes sense: if her husband really isn't much of a lover, then why would she want to ruin the mood, or take the edge off her anticipation? In my case, about four days before a "date," Sally stops allowing me to touch her or even to see her undressed; in her words, "I'm saving it for him."
In more extreme cases, where the wife has replaced her husband with another man (or men) on a permanent basis, her body may simply be off limits to him at all times. In these cases, the occasional glimpse of a breast or pubic hair can trigger spontaneous orgasm!
"Clean Up the House While I'm Gone"
If the husband acknowledges his sexual inferiority, he may fell compelled to try to make it up to his wife in any way possible. Therefore, he may be among the most obedient husbands on the planet! Remember, hubby gets off on his own sexual failings; therefore, cleaning the house, etc., only serves to remind him that he's doing this because he's not very good in bed. This may be one of the few times you see a man vacuuming with an erection . In addition, hubby may want to do this, as a way of showing his wife that he is still useful, and she should keep him around; any honest cuckold will tell you that there are times he wonders if his loving wife is going to keep loving him when she enjoys her lover's company so much.
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